Sunday, June 5, 2011

un poco tarde

i leave mexico on july 10th. what a weird, weird feeling.
something even weirder? i have been here for 11 months.
let me try to sum up the past 3 months with a few words and pictures.

march was spring breakin' 2011 time in cancun with my sister, jayme & hannah. it wasn't MY spring break but i liked
to think it was. i flew from puebla and met them in cancun for the
we really had a blast. and honestly it was so refreshing to be with them and spend that time together. the only downfall? cancun is basically NOTHING like mexico. nothing. the things they really wanted to know and see they didn't get a chance to see BUT we did get to relax by the pool and beach and eat a lot of delicious food for 4 days.

this was our view at 6:00am the first morning.
yes, we woke up to see the sun rise and we were on the beach by 8:00am.
excited much?

the last 2 weeks in april was mexico's SEMANA SANTA. i wasn't expecting to go home, i was planning an extravagant viaje around Mexico and then as april hit i decided i NEEDED to go home and it juuuuust so happened that my lovely tax returns came at the perfect moment. i may or may not have spent them on a flight home but it was one of the best decisions i have made in a while. it was exactly what i needed at exactly the right time.

family & friends.

i went from montgomery to the beach to south carolina to birmingham to auburn and more. it was a busy trip home but one that i was so grateful for.

while i was home my dad and kay sold our house in prattville and i decided to move in with them when i come home. in maryville, TN. anyone live close? i will be looking for something to do. and a job. a job? ugh. job hunting.

so may meant coming back to mexico refreshed and ready to finish out the year.
may was QUITE the month in la escuela. we had two ceremonies to prepare for in the midst of finishing up units and still teaching in the classroom. my class had one ceremony for our civic ceremony which every grade is responsible for completing at some point during the year. for this ceremony, my class had to prepare a presentation of some sort for Mother's Day.

maybe this link will work?
my sweet coworker nicky video'd our presentation.

the other ceremony our class did was for Parent's Day and we had Hawaii.

here we are after the ceremony (missing a few kids)
i don't have any pictures during. BUT they were so cute. soooo cute.

and here we are. june.

so far in june, some of my boys won the soccer CHAMPIONSHIP! :) super proud moment. aaaand our goal of getting pictures with our favorite taco makers was a success.

we are planning a few more trips before our flights outta here. including veracruz, puerto vallarta and taxco. can't wait for the next month but at the same time i don't want it to end.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

february, what?

i can't believe it's already FEBRUARY!?!

i also can't believe the last post i made was when i was sitting in the airports on my way back from christmas vacation. i guess i have let time get by me. i can thank katey fuller for her simple email to me last week "megan, what happened to the blogger in you?" also, i can put a little blame on my camera for my lack of posts. it is currently broken. and that was my way of remembering what i should blog about. anyway, here goes an update.

getting back in january was bittersweet. i missed family and friends back home the moment i left but i also missed a lot of things about mexico and was excited to be back here after the break. flying into mexico city during the day was awesome and helped me fall back in love with this country. it was a LONG traveling day but when i got to my apartment i was relieved and felt at home.

so, my GOLDEN BIRTHDAY was january 24th. 24 on the 24th. my class and i counted down to "miss megan's birthday" from january 1-january 24th. we counted during calendar time and occasionally i threw in a "miss megan really looooooves ____" just for some gift ideas :) my kids were so sweet on my birthday though really. they made me a card before school and had everyone sign it (trying to be top secret). then some of them brought me precious gifts. and then some real crazy gifts too. i got coffee mugs, scarves, purses, sweet. my golden birthday really was a special one. kami, courtney, brittan & colleen planned a lil' surprise dinner at kami and courtney's house and kami really went ABOVE and beyond cooking. she made us some delicious food and a bunch of people sat around and ate before we went out for the night. i really have some great friends & felt super loved.

as far as teaching goes, everything is going great. my kids have good and bad days and we go with the flow most of the time. they have been really needy lately - just needing attention and needing to talk and tell stories and blahh blah. so my patience has been tested but it is a good thing :) we had 'portfolio display' day last week. every child at the school has a portfolio where one piece of work is placed from each unit. the parents were invited to come and look at their child's portfolio's last week in my class. of course ALL the parents came. talk about overwhelming! it was fun though and the parents were very encouraging. i had some tell me that they are very happy in the class and that they can tell their child is improving drastically in english :)
mission. accomplished.

so, SUPER pumped about:
*cancun with my seeeeeeester and jaybay & hannah lou in march SB2011 yawl.
*semana santa TWO WEEKS off work & traveling to somewhere super fun fun.

colleen & i officially have our tickets home at the end of the school year.
july 10 --> chicago, IL.
then from chicago we'll be heading to costa rica. ticket prices are cheaper to costa rica from chicago than from mexico. how does this make sense?
then. after costa rica, who knows.
whooo knows.
any career or life plan ideas for me?

let's see. what else.
running a 10k is on the schedule for feb. 20th.
me having strep last week did NOT fit in the training schedule..
hopefully my goal of at least FINISHING the race will be met.
even if i walk across the finish line? :)

i think that's about all i've got!
missing yawl.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

i cannot believe how quickly 2 weeks just flew by.

i'm a killen. and if you know killens, we are never late for anything. as a matter of fact - we're probably going to be early anywhere. well, ken killen is the master of being early. and i'm sitting in the montgomery airport at my terminal (which is not open yet) 2 hours before my flight. but i'm here. :) i have never seen this many people here. i'm not sure that the montgomery regional airport has ever seen this many people here. everyone is dressed from head to toe in auburn gear and they're just so happy. all going to spend a wonderful weekend with their friends and family, supporting those AU Tigers. :) while here i am - leaving my family and friends all teary-eyed and sad. saying bye always stinks - now i need to think about the next 7 months and how God is going to work in my life and continue to mold me. also i keep thinking about my kiddies and how excited they are going to be to tell me about their vacations! gotta think positive.

so, "happy cam newton day - yawl"

christmas break was so so sooo great.
i really think i have the most amazing, thoughtful, generous, dependable, loving, faithful, FUN group of friends & family that anyone could ever ask for.

my family made sure that i had everything that i needed before i left. they did stupid errands with me and sweet lil' erin put up with "hey erin, can i use your phone real quick to call ___?" or "hey erin, can i use your phone real quick to text ___?" and even "hey erin, can i take your car?" she put up with that for 2 weeks. she's a trooper. and mom made sure we had chocolate brownies when we FINALLY could eat chocolate again. we had a girl's spend the night party at mom's one night and i don't think i've ever laughed so much in my life. dad & kay took us out to dinner and cooked dinner numerous times. you won't ever go hungry on ken and kay killen's watch - that's for sure. my brother and sheena put up with bear & sophie in the car from greenville so i could see those presh lil' things at christmas. basically, my family is real great.

it's so nice to come home to friends who have been anticipating your arrival for a while. this trip consisted of so.much.laughing. and EATING. and shopping. and getting/giving advice. talking about future plans. spending quality time together. i'm pretty sure i spent every waking moment either with jayme wright or talking to her. i think we kept starbucks in business. she's probably going to need a vacation from the past 2 weeks. also sweet friends made sacrifices to see me while i was home like haden & halie. :) katey cooked us delicious macaroni and cheese lasagna and opened her home to us whenever we wanted to hang! tasharia, well she's just amazing. courtney just saved me in the montgomery airport - i just needed her hug to comfort me while i was super sad at leaving my dad & sister in the airport. last night was fun filled at buffalo wild wings as jayme, katey, josh, fuller, my lil seester, halie and jon all got together for one last hoorahhhh. i don't know what else i could say about my lovely friends.

friends & family.
i'm blessed.

just frands.
katey's birthday @ the comedy club!

Celebrating Christmas with Erin & Sheena baby :)

well that about sums it up.
i don't need to reminisce anymore or i'm going to get sad!
stay positive, meggie. stay positive.

i will update again soon when i get back to mehiiiiico.
